Your virtual IT Manager

Your business depends on technology, but it also depends on you. Do what only you can do, and hire an expert to mange your technology.

You can have the expertise and support you need at a price you can afford.

Managing what you have today

You can depend on us to keep your technology running as smoothly as possible, and also to be there when you need help.

Preventative Maintenance

An ounce of prevention is the theme here. Keeping things running well avoids problems, reducing downtime and its associated costs. This is what we do behind the scenes.

Technical Support

When things do go wrong or you need answers, we are there to help. You can reach us however you like – phone, chat or email.


Helping you plan for tomorrow

Technology changes rapidly. Your customers expect you to keep up. And there are competitive advantages to doing that.

Every organization has processes it follow to ensure goods and services are delivered properly, employees, suppliers and government agencies are paid promptly and correctly, and management has the information it needs to make good decisions. Many of these processes do not contribute directly to the mission of the organization, however, and many can be streamlined so people can spend valuable time doing valuable things.
Project Management
Why are most projects, especially IT projects, late, over budget, or worse, complete failures? Effective project management is all about sound planning and disciplined execution. Our world changes daily, and if we allow every change to distract us from our goals, we will never accomplish anything useful. A simple focus on doing it right, and getting it done will help deliver more value to your organization sooner.